Bullfrogs are the largest frog in
- by Eliot Martin, 3rd Grade
Bullfrogs are the largest frog in
Chapter 1
I had been thinking about last summer when I had almost killed the governor.
Chapter 2
I think either the string holding the raft together, or Poseidon decided he hated me. And I saw a purple headed goldfish about 20 feet long, with shiny white fangs. Its eyes flared with hatred. I wondered if this was natural, or a monster. I reached for my sword, but it was gone. Monster for sure. It was about time to start paddling back to shore, when I remembered we hadn’t made oars. We were trapped. Then I had an idea. I told it to Frensky. He nodded. I laid on the raft, the monster lunged at me. I jumped off the raft as soon as the monster touched it. And Frensky leaped on the opposite end of the raft. Catapulting the monster through the air. Then I remembered I couldn’t swim, so I would drown.
Chapter 3
My lungs were popping. I couldn’t remember why. Either one, last night I ate too many truffles, or two, I was drowning. I kicked and squirmed, but I sunk faster and faster. Then, I saw something that chilled me all the way to the bone. My bones were already chilled, with the drowning stuff. This time, something really scared the you-know-what out of me. I saw a tiger shark, creeping up on me. It came closer and closer until it could take a big bite out of me. But instead, the shark said, “Now a mouse. What will they send next time? A horse?” I didn’t understand, why would a shark hesitate to kill me? Or was it because Poseidon didn’t hate me? Suddenly, a blast of light sprayed through and at first I thought Poseidon didn’t care for mice. Then, I saw it wasn’t Poseidon. It was Frensky, he had obviously learned how to swim. “Help!” I yelled. It sounded more like, “Gurgle gurgle,” but I hoped he got the idea. He did. He scooped me up. It was too late, though. My vision went black.
Chapter 4
I woke up in a comfortable bed, no, actually, I woke on a hard rock. And a mile away, my friends were at battle. When I say friends, I mean a bunch of rabbits, moose, and others. My sword was still missing. I would have to make one. One problem, it would have to be carved of rock, and rock is hard. Then I had an idea. I would launch a water rocket. I snatched up a bottle and filled it with vinegar and baking soda. Poured in some Sprite and shook it. Then, I blew into it. I let go; it flew into the air. If I was lucky, it would destroy a monster. It did. The monster sank into the dirt. One big problemo. Every monster charged me. I was defenseless. One monster got grabbed by the throat. It disappeared. That wasn’t a monster at all. It was an illusion. Then, they all disappeared. I knew exactly what was happening. A decoy! “A DECOY!” I shouted. “I am going to find their headquarters” shouted a rabbit named Bobby. “No way. I will!” I screeched. “You guys attack every monster you see. I’ll be back.” I ran out of the sandy, rocky place and ran into a grassy meadow. Then my face hit an invisible thing. It was a door. I opened it. Inside I saw a whole mansion. I shut the door behind me. I wondered why they would need a mouse sized door? Then I heard marching. Now, I knew why there was a mouse sized door. It wasn’t mouse sized at all! It was my enemy’s size. My enemy is …RATS!
Chapter 5
I was panicking. Then an idea hit me. I would swing over the rats. I hadn’t read the sign above. I grabbed the wire firmly, then pulled. Then, a bell wailed and in a few seconds the mansion collapsed onto everything near it. The battle was over, and so was