Friday, April 16, 2010

Ralf and the Invisible Mansion

Chapter 1

I had been thinking about last summer when I had almost killed the governor.

Today I’m waiting for my friend, a “bear”. I’m a mouse, which is very small. The bear was hairy and weighed about 200 lb. Me and Frensky [the bear] would sit under the stars. Or, sit in a river doing Olympics. Today we would go to the beach on a stranded island. The island was amazing, yet I had never gone. Finally after what had felt like a thousand years of waiting, Frensky arrived with string. Me and Frensky put together a huge raft. We hauled it off to the ocean. My arms ached from carrying the heavy raft. We set it down in the water. The waves sounded soothing washing up and down the beach. Suddenly, Frensky picked me up and chucked me into the raft. “Can I push us out?” yelled Frensky. “Yeah” I yelled back. Suddenly, the raft jolted forward making me fall back. I saw Frensky had pushed the raft into a wave and jumped on.

Chapter 2

I think either the string holding the raft together, or Poseidon decided he hated me. And I saw a purple headed goldfish about 20 feet long, with shiny white fangs. Its eyes flared with hatred. I wondered if this was natural, or a monster. I reached for my sword, but it was gone. Monster for sure. It was about time to start paddling back to shore, when I remembered we hadn’t made oars. We were trapped. Then I had an idea. I told it to Frensky. He nodded. I laid on the raft, the monster lunged at me. I jumped off the raft as soon as the monster touched it. And Frensky leaped on the opposite end of the raft. Catapulting the monster through the air. Then I remembered I couldn’t swim, so I would drown.

Chapter 3

My lungs were popping. I couldn’t remember why. Either one, last night I ate too many truffles, or two, I was drowning. I kicked and squirmed, but I sunk faster and faster. Then, I saw something that chilled me all the way to the bone. My bones were already chilled, with the drowning stuff. This time, something really scared the you-know-what out of me. I saw a tiger shark, creeping up on me. It came closer and closer until it could take a big bite out of me. But instead, the shark said, “Now a mouse. What will they send next time? A horse?” I didn’t understand, why would a shark hesitate to kill me? Or was it because Poseidon didn’t hate me? Suddenly, a blast of light sprayed through and at first I thought Poseidon didn’t care for mice. Then, I saw it wasn’t Poseidon. It was Frensky, he had obviously learned how to swim. “Help!” I yelled. It sounded more like, “Gurgle gurgle,” but I hoped he got the idea. He did. He scooped me up. It was too late, though. My vision went black.

Chapter 4

I woke up in a comfortable bed, no, actually, I woke on a hard rock. And a mile away, my friends were at battle. When I say friends, I mean a bunch of rabbits, moose, and others. My sword was still missing. I would have to make one. One problem, it would have to be carved of rock, and rock is hard. Then I had an idea. I would launch a water rocket. I snatched up a bottle and filled it with vinegar and baking soda. Poured in some Sprite and shook it. Then, I blew into it. I let go; it flew into the air. If I was lucky, it would destroy a monster. It did. The monster sank into the dirt. One big problemo. Every monster charged me. I was defenseless. One monster got grabbed by the throat. It disappeared. That wasn’t a monster at all. It was an illusion. Then, they all disappeared. I knew exactly what was happening. A decoy! “A DECOY!” I shouted. “I am going to find their headquarters” shouted a rabbit named Bobby. “No way. I will!” I screeched. “You guys attack every monster you see. I’ll be back.” I ran out of the sandy, rocky place and ran into a grassy meadow. Then my face hit an invisible thing. It was a door. I opened it. Inside I saw a whole mansion. I shut the door behind me. I wondered why they would need a mouse sized door? Then I heard marching. Now, I knew why there was a mouse sized door. It wasn’t mouse sized at all! It was my enemy’s size. My enemy is …RATS!

Chapter 5

I was panicking. Then an idea hit me. I would swing over the rats. I hadn’t read the sign above. I grabbed the wire firmly, then pulled. Then, a bell wailed and in a few seconds the mansion collapsed onto everything near it. The battle was over, and so was I. I didn’t get to finish writing my will. It said on it: “Than…”, instead of “Thanks”. I had passed away too fast.

The End
- by Eliot, 3rd grade

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